If you are interested in attending, presenting a paper or poster, or exhibiting at Midwest Chapter Conference 2016 in Chicago, please complete the following form.

    Please fill out the information below to register for the conference. We will send an invoice for payment to you. If you choose to pay by credit card we will send a PayPal invoice that will allow you to do that.

    Title (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc)

    Full Name (required)


    Phone Number

    Organization or Company




    Zip Code

    Please select one of each:

    Conference attendee ($99)Exhibitor ($600, Attendee Fee not included in price)

    CheckCredit Card

    Any other comments?

    For 2016, we are considering a panel discussion with lyophilization experts on theory, process development and engineering. Feel free to submit a single question to get the discussion started:

    Thank You!