The organizing committee is planning the 2013 Conference to be held in the beautiful city of Sao Paulo in Brazil. This promises to be an excellent meeting with several highlighted areas of current interest in lyophilization. In addition to the attendance of very recognized speakers, we are making a general call for the submission of papers for Conference. You can propose a paper for oral or poster presentation, but the Organizing Committee will take the final decision on the way of presentation.
We are seeking papers on the following topics:
- Protein Stabilization, Liposomal, NIR and Raman Spectroscopy.
- H2O2 Sanitization.
- Process Optimization & Control, Non Invasive Monitoring, Nucleation, and Quality Control Methodology.
- Continuous Freeze Drying and Single Bacteria Cells
Please submit the following information.
NOTE: This form will be submitted to [email protected]